How to Transfer PDF to Word

Feb 20, 2020 ยท 1 minute read

Sometimes you want to add all your pdf pages to a word document but you don’t want to convert pdf format to word format or only insert some the pages in your pdf file to your word file.

For that you can follow these steps;

1- Open your pdf file which you want to transfer their pages to the Word document.

open your pdf file

2- Open file menu and click on “Save as”.

save as your file

3- Choose JPEG Format for your file.

choose jpeg format

4- Now, the pages of your pdf files extracted from the original file and you have 4 different files with jpeg format.

seperate pages

5- Open your Word document, which you want to transfer your pdf pages to it.

6-On the “Insert” tab, Click on “picture”.

open your word document

7- Go and select the pages which extracted from your pdf file and insert them to your word document.

adobe acrobat open file dialoge

8- Now you can see all the PDF pages in your Word Document.

adobe acrobat open file dialoge

word pdf convert