How to Change One Page to Landscape in Word

Apr 9, 2020 ยท 2 minute read

Here there is a Word document, If you want to change the orientation of all page you can follow these steps;

How to Change all Pages Orientation;

1- Click on the Layout tab,

2- Click on the Orientation key.

word document

layout orientation landscape

Here you can change all pages Orientation to Landscape or Portrait.

all page landscape

return to portrate

How to Change One Page Orientation in Word;

Here we are going to explain two methods for changing the orientation of one part of your text.

First Method

1- Go to the page which you want to change its orientation.

2- Click on the screen and place the cursor at the beginning of the page that you want to change the direction.

cursor begin

3- Click on the Layout tab.

4- Click on the popout button at the bottom right corner of “Page set up” part.


5- Go to Margins tab and click on Landscape.

orientation landscape

6- In Apply to part choose “This point forward” option.

this point forward

7-From number 3 you can see that the orientation of the pages has changed.

Now we need to change the direction of the orientation of pages from number five to the end of the document.

layout change

8- Put your cursor at the end of page four or at the beginning of the page five.

cursor put

9- Go to the page setup and click on the portrait.

10- Choose “This point forward” option and click on Ok.

change orientation

change orinetation pages

Second Method.

1- Select the text which you want to change the orientation.

2- Click on the Layout tab.

select page word doc

3- In the Page setup part, click on the launcher to open “Page setup” dialogue.

4- In the “Orientation” part, change the orientation.

5- In the “Apply to” part, select the “Selected sections” part.

6- Click Ok.

page set up dialoge word doc

change one part orientation in word
