For creating border for your document, you should follow these steps; How to Add Border to Page in Word 1- Click on Design tab. 2- In the “Page Background” part, choose “Page Borders”. 3- In the Setting part, there are some preset options which you can choose one of them. 4- In the Style part, you can choose your desired style for the line of your borders. 5- In the “Color” part, you can change the color of the lines in your border.
Sometimes you have a table in your word document and it’s rows have continued to other pages and the users maybe become confused when they want to read other pages because on the other pages thay can not see the header of the table. Here we are going to explain how to repeat header rows in other pages. How to Repeat Header Rows in Word 1- Click on the table.
For creating new model in tekla structure there are two methods; How to Create a New Model in Tekla Structure; First Method 1- Run Tekla Structure program. 2- Choose your desired Environment and Role for your model. 3- In this dialoge Click on the New tab. Name 4- In the Name part choose your desired name for your model. Note; Try to choose pemanent name for your model. You can change the name of your model in future but every time that you want to renmae your model name, the name of a lot of items in your project folder will be changed.
For Opening a model in Tekla structure program, you can easily follow these steps; 1- Run Tekla structure program. 2- Choose your desired environment and role. 3- In this dialogue, you have three tabs for opening the file. Recently In this tab, you can find models which you have worked on them recently, for deleting files from this tab you can follow how to delete recently files page. All models If your file is not in the recent tab, you can find your file in the All model part, for that, you can
For inserting Hyperlink in your word document, you can follow these steps; How to Insert Hyperlinks in Word 1- Write the address of web site with this prefix http:// write the address of the web site. Press space bar or Enter key. How to Prevent Word From Automatically Creating a Link If you want to write the address of the website, without adding hyperlink in your text you should follow these steps;
You can create a picture near your model name in the open part section. For that you can follow these steps; How to Create Project Thumbnail in Tekla First Method 1- Click on the View tab. 2- Click on the Screenshot. 3- Click on Project Thumbnail. 4- For seeing the thumbnail, you can follow these steps; Click on the Menu. Click on the Open. Find your file in Recent or All models part, you can see the picture near your file name.
If you want to create a header for the whole document and your header automatically change and match itself with the contents of that page you can follow these steps; How To Create Dynamic Header In Word Here we want to create to a header for our document, which showes the name of chapter in the header of our document and also in the other part shows the page number too.
For deleting files from the recent tab you can follow two ways; 1- Run Tekla Structure Program. 2- Choose your desired environment and role and click Ok. 3- Click on the Recent tab. 4- Right Click on one of the models; Here you can three options; Delete the selected item; For removing that model you should select this item. Clear all; For removing all items from this tab you can select this item.
If you want to have page number, title, date or other information which you need in each page of your document, you should add header or footer for your document. for that you should follow these steps; How to Add Header or Footer in Word; 1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- In the Header and Footer part click on the Header or Footer command. 3- Choose your desired Header or Footer.
For changing the tekla structure set up you should follow these steps; 1- Click on the File menu. 2- Click on the Setting. 3- In the License part, you can change Environment, Role and configuration setting. Here because our version is for student you can not see all options in the picture.