How to Find and Follow Your Friends on Spotify

Dec 30, 2020 · 3 minute read

when you are using a social network application sometimes you want to follow your friends to understand their interests much better, Spotify gives you this opportunity to find and follow your friends and interact better with them. In this article, we are going to explain how to find and follow your friends on desktop and mobile, and tablet Spotify app and see your friends activity in them. In the end, you will understand how to find people who follow you on Spotify on these devices, and also you will understand how to share your profile in this app and how to hide your activity from your friends on the Spotify app."

How to Find and Follow Your Friends on Spotify.

You need to connect your Spotify account to your Facebook account to find your friends.

Desktop App

To find your friends on Desktop app:

  1. Go to the bottom of your Friend Activity list on Spotify.

  2. select FIND FRIENDS.

  3. Choose your friend on the list and click FOLLOW.

find friends spotify

Mobile/Tablet App

To find your friends on mobile/tablet app:

  1. Go to Home, then Settings.

  2. Select View Profile.

  3. select FIND FRIENDS.

  4. Choose your friend on the list and click FOLLOW.

find follower desktop app spotify

How to See Who is Following me on Spotify.

Desktop App

  1. Click on your profile name.

  2. In your profile page click FOLLOWING.

  3. Your following list will be shown.

find follower desktop app spotify

Mobile/Tablet App

On mobile/tablet app:

  1. Go to Home, then Settings.

  2. Tap View Profile.

  3. In your profile page click FOLLOWING.

  4. Your following list will be shown.

follower mobile app spotify

How to Share Your Profile in Spotify.

Desktop App

  1. Click the profile picture icon in the top-right corner of the app.

  2. You see a sign that has three dots in a circle.

  3. Click on the sign, select Share.

share profile desktop app spotify

Mobile/Tablet App

To share your profile on your mobile/tablet:

  1. Go to Home, then Settings.

  2. Tap View Profile.

  3. In the top-right, there are three dots.

  4. Tap on three dots, then select Share.

share profile mobile tablet spotify

How to See my Friend’s Activity in Spotify.

Friend’s Activity is a special feature for Desktop Spotify app. You can use this feature to see what your friend is or was listening to. To enable Friend Activity feature:

  1. Go to your Spotify settings.

  2. In Display Options section, switch on Show Friend Activity.

see friends activity spotify

How to Hide my Activity From my Friends on Spotify.

Your followers on Spotify can see what you are/were listening to. If you want to hide your activity, you need to switch on Private listening option.

Desktop App

To go on Private listening on Desktop app follow the steps:

  1. Next to your profile name, click on the menu icon.

  2. Click Private Session. When a blue padlock appears on your profile picture, your private session is active.

hide private listening desktop spotify

Mobile/Tablet App

To go on Private listening on mobile/tablet app follow the steps:

  1. Go to Home, then Settings.

  2. In Social section, switch Private Session on.

hide private listening mobile tablet spotify

spotify find friend