How to make a pdf file editable

Mar 29, 2020 ยท 7 minute read

Here we are going to explain how to create a pdf fillable file.

This form will be changed to fillable form and I will explain that step by step and besides that, each command will be explained.

pdf form

I think we can explain all the commands for creating fillable pdf by changing this form to fillable form.

1- Open your file with Adobe.

2- Click on View>Tools>Forms.

3- On the right side of the program, in the form sub-category, click Edit.

4- On the right hand, in the Task sub-category, click on Add New Field, We’re going to explain all of these capabilities; Text field, Checkbox, Radio bottom, List box, Dropdown, Button, Digital signature, Barcode.

How to Create Text Field in Pdf Form ;

1- Click on View > Tools > Forms.

form tools view

1- Click on Form > Edit.

form edit menu adobe

2- Automatically some Field will be created, but because we want to create them manually, I select them and delete them.

form in adobe

3- Click on “Add text field”.

add text field pdf form

4- In each place which you need, Place “Text field” in your form.

form add text field

5- Right-click on the box which is placed in front of the Name.

right click add field

text field properties general tab

  • General tab;

In this tab, you can specify the name for your field.


If you don’t change the names in the Feild name box when you write a word or number in one column the content of other columns will change to that word or number, so if you need different content for each column, specify a different name in each field Name box.

So here I changed the name of each column.

In the second row, you can fill tooltip, in this part, you can guide the user to fill the column, due to when they move the cursor to the column your note will be shown.

Another important thing in this tab is in “common properties”, you should tick the “Required” box if it’s necessary to fill that column for you.

you will see the colour of the boxes will be changed to red, after you tich “Required box”.

name name

name city

name address

name total

modify name name

modify name name

Another important thing in this tab is in “common properties”, you should tick the “Required” box if it’s necessary to fill that column for you.

select your desired boxe

right click properties

you will see the colour of the boxes will be changed to red, after you tich “Required box”.

change to required box

  • Appearance tab;

In this place, you can specify your desired appearance for the text which the user will write in your pdf file, you can change the size, font, text colour and other qualities which you want.

  • select the boxes which you want to modify them and right-click on one of them and click on “Properties”.

select tabs

properties tabs

In Borders and colours, you can modify the properties of your boxes.

change color border

In-text part, you can modify the text size, colour and Font.

text appearence

font size text

  • Position;

in this part, you can change the size of the Text Feild window.

text field position

  • Option;

option text field

in this window, there are some important thing which you should notice,

  • Alignment part:

you can specify, the text starts from which place.

  • Default Value: If you want to add some words which can not be changed in the table you can write your text here.

  • In our example, In the product list column, I want to add some goods name which can not be changed in the table.

I want to fill the Product list and Pricelist.

because I want nobody to change these items I selected Read-only box.

default value option adobe

read only general tab

default value option speaker

pdf file table

value option

pdf table

  • Multi-line box;

If your text box is large and you want to let your user write his text in multiple lines, tick on Multi-line box.

  • Limit of; here you can specify the number of characters which you want to let, user can write, number 750 is a good number for the box which you ask people to say their opinion about your task.

  • Format:

if you want to limit, type of writing to specific things like time or number or other things you can use this part.

Here I am going to change the value of Total column to the “number” value.

format category

separator style

If your numbers were money, you could choose Symbol.

currency symbol

  • I will explain “Action” later.

  • Calculate;

Here we can define the mathematical formulas for table cells that I will explain in the following example.

How to create a dynamic chart;

Here we want to multiply the “No” column into the “Price” and finally, sum the whole “Total” column.

1- Right-click on the first cell of the Total column, go to the calculate tab, in the “value is the” part choose the “Product” to multiply the price and number column together.

calculate tab

multiple cell

2- Select “Number 1 and Price1” box to multiply the number of cells number 1 into Price1.

Do the same action for other cells.

select field selection

print field selection 2

3- Now we want to aggregate all the “whole” cells, right-click on the cell and in the “Section” menu, click on the boxes “total1” - “total5” and then click “Ok”.

total sum

select field selection total

4- Now you can enter your desired number in the “NO” column and then the table will calculate the price automatically.

enter value

calculate table

How to Create a Radio Button in PDF Form;

Sometimes you have various choices, but you should choose only one of them, in this case, you should use this item.

1- General tab

radio buttom pdf

radio buttom general tab

  • Name;

You should pay attention that you should use the same name for each question, for instance, if you want to ask about the marital status of a person and have 3 options to answer, such as single, married and divorced, for each radio buttons in this question, You must use a similar name.

another important point is if you have different radio buttons in different questions with the same name, the program will assume all these answers for one question and if you change the answer in one question other answers will be erased.

  • common properties;

Click on “Required” box, If it is important, user answer your question.

2- Appearance

In this part, you can modify the size and other qualities of your text.

copy radio buttom

3- Position

In this part, you can change the location of the radio button in the text.

position radio button

4- Option

In this part, you can modify button style in the text.

option radio button

radio button style

After that, you can easily copy your radio button and paste it on your desired places.

copy radio buttom

paste radio buttom

radio buttom pdf form

5- Action

If you expect the program does specific action after a user clicks on the specific key, you can use from this part.

How to Create a Button in PDF Form;

If you expect the program does specific action after a user clicks on the specific key, you can use from this part.

How to create a Print command in Pdf Form;

Place the button in each place which you want then right-click on it. button pdf

radio buttom propertis

1- Specify a new name for your command In General tab. Click on the “required box”, if you want all users to print their file.

general button properties

You can change the appearance of your command here.

apperance button

In the options tab in the layout part choose “label over the icon”, and in the label, part write your desire label

option button

option button properties

2- In the Action tab, in " Add an action" window select " Mouse up" in “select trigger” bar.

mouse up action button

3- Select “executive menu item” in “select action” bar.

executive menue item button

4- Click on “ADD” and choose “File>Print…”.

print menu item button action

5- Click on “Ok”.

you can easily change the size of the button by dragging the edge of the window.

resize window

close form editing

when you save your setting and reopen your file, and click on this button, you directly go to “print command” and you can print your file.

Now you can fill your form and print it.

empty form

fill your form

fill your form print

print your form

For checkbox, list box and Dropdown command you can go to the How to Create an Editable PDF page.

pdf fillable