For converting table to taxt in word we can recommand you two methods; How to Convert Table to Text in Word 1- Select the Table. 2- Click on the Layout. 3- Click on the “Convert to Text”. 4- Choose the seperator which you want to separate text with them. 5- Click Ok. For Converting Table to text you can use this shortcut too. 1- Select the table. 2- Press and Leave “Alt” key.
If you have text in your word document which were separated by Paragraphs, Commas or tabs or a special character you can convert it to a table by following these steps; How to Convert Text to Table in Word; 1- Select the text. 2- Click on the Insert tab. 3- Click on the Table. 4- Click on the “Convert Text to Table”. 5- In the “Separate text at” part, choose your desire separator.
If you need to insert a table in your Word document you can use different methods; How to Insert Table in Word First Method 1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- Click on the Table. 3- Select your desired number for rows and columns. Second Method 1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- Click on the Table. 3- Click on the Insert Table. 4- In the Table size part, define the number of rows and columns for your table.
When you type your text in Word program, the program automatically starts a new page when you get to the end of each page, but sometimes you want to finish the page and go to the next page before you get to the end of the page, you can use page break command. Here we are going to explain it. 1- Place the cursor on the position which you want to finish your page.
1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- Click on the Header. 3- Choose “Edit Header”. 4- Click on the Design tab. 5- In the Insert part, you can select “Picture” or “Online Picture” options to insert your desired picture. 6- Find your desired picture and click on Insert key. 7- Click on the Format tab. Here you can modify your picture properties, for instance in the size part you can change the size of your picture as you need.
If you get a document that contains a header but the page number was not defined for it and you need to add the page number to your pages without deleting the previous headers, you can follow the steps below. 1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- Click on the Header. 3- Choose “Edit Header”. 4- Click on the Page Number. 5- Select the “Current Position”. 6- Choose your desired style.
When you want to create drawings or report for your model or you want to create your own template for drawings of your project you can use from these data. How to Edit Project Properties In Tekla Structure; Here we are going to show how to modify project properties and show these data in your model or drawing. 1- Click on File. 2- Click on Project Properties. 3- Enter your desired information in this dialoge box;
We can introduce two methods for creating different headers in your document. How to Add Different Headers for Each Chapter in Word If you want to have different headers for each chapter of your document you can split your document into different sections. For that you should follow these steps; 1- Click on the Home tab. 2- In the Paragraph part, Click on the Paragraph sign. 3- Place your cursor at the end of your desired chapter.
IFC or industry foundation class is like a frozen copy from your model that other users can view, measure, find the clash between items and estimate the cost of the project, regardless they have installed your software in their computer. You can use from this feature and convert your model to the IFC and then send it to the other groups. Imagine you have an architectural model and you want to send your model to the other engineer group in order to complete other phases of your project.
How to Remove First Page Header If you want to have different first page header or delete first page header from your document you can follow these steps; 1- Click on the Insert tab. 2- Click on the Header. 3- Click on the Edit Header. 4- In the Options part, select the “Different First Page” box. 5- Now you can select the first page header and delete it or write another header for the first page.